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Fire & EMS Dept News & Info

7/12/2023 - Canton FD To Host Free Community CPR Classes

By: Patch, Michael Lemanski, Patch staff

Locals looking to learn all they can to save a life just might want to take the Canton Fire & EMS Department up on their offer to teach anyone CPR.

The Town of Canton Fire & EMS Department and Northeast Fire-Rescue have partnered to provide free first aid and CPR classes to the residents of Canton.

"Teaching those in our community the basic life saving skills is a critical component in helping to save a life until first responders can arrive on scene," wrote the town recently.

Respondants are asked to sign up for one of two separate classes being offered on Sunday, April 23.

No experience required.



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Contact Us

In any emergency, please call 911

In non-emergent situations, please contact the dispatch center at 860-693-0221

For membership information:

Johnathan Gotaski, Chief of the Department

Office: (860) 693-7858 


Administrative Offices:
51 River Road
Collinsville, CT 06022

Station #1: 
51 River Road

Station #2:
14 Canton Springs Road

Station #3:
540 Cherry Brook Road


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