Harlow A. Wheelock (1842-1917) was born and raised in Monterey, Massachusetts where he started his working life as a rake maker. He served for roughly a year during the Civil War with Company F of the Forty-ninth Massachusetts Regiment.
Around 1872, he came to Collinsville and lived on High Street for about nine years, afterward moving to Canton Street where he resided for thirty-six years. He worked as a carpenter with his brother, John. He was also employed in the knife handling department of the Collins Company for over three decades. He was a member of the Collinsville Congregational Church and for many years he served on the Canton school board.
Wheelock was described in one newspaper account as “a man who to rare degree had the esteem of his fellow citizens.” He died at his Canton Streethome after a year-long illness that ended his working career. “He passed the years of a long life,” the paper reported, “without a word ever having been said against him as a man and citizen.”
Harlow A. Wheelock is buried in the Canton Center Cemetery, Canton Center.
“Your Silent Neighbors” introduces readers to people out of Canton’s past. Readers are encouraged to visit these gravesites and pay their respects to the people who have helped make our community what it is today.