Born in Pine Meadow and schooled there, Dr. George F. Lewis (1840-1919) was a beloved physician in Collinsville who also served patients in surrounding communities. He attended the Claverack Institute, a preparatory school in Hudson, New York and graduated from Yale in 1865. After finishing his education he came to Collinsville to practice medicine until his health declined during the last four years of his life.
Dr. Lewis was known to take long drives to see his patients in North Canton, Hartford, Burlington, Avon, Granby, and elsewhere. In some cases, he doctored four generations of the same family. He was Canton’s health officer for twenty-three years and medical examiner for about thirty years. Devoted to his patients, it was said that during an epidemic he would go days when the only sleep he got was while being driven from one house to another.
Dr. Lewis was one of the founders of Trinity Church in Collinsville and served as a vestryman. He served on the Canton Board of Selectmen and was president of the Hartford County Medical Society. Dr. Lewis was also a thirty-second degree Mason.
He was married to Mary Pratt of Pine Meadow for over fifty-one years. They had two children.
Funeral services were held at Trinity Church where a quartet sang “O God, Our Help in Ages Past” and De Profundis.”
Dr. George F. Lewis is buried in the Canton Center Cemetery.
“Your Silent Neighbors” introduces readers to people out of Canton’s past. Readers are encouraged to visit these gravesites and pay their respects to the people who have helped make our community what it is today.