YOUR SILENT NEIGHBORS, Andrew R. Goyer, Powerplant Operator, Scout Leader
by David K. Leff
Town Poet Laureate and Deputy Town Historian
Andrew R. Goyer (1899-1961) lived in Collinsville for 40 years and was employed as a powerplant operator by the Collins Company. Born in Duane, New York, he came to Canton as a young man.
Goyer lived on Thayer Avenue and was a very active Boy Scout leader, including as commissioner of the Hartford County Boy Scouts from 1942 to 1950. In 1946, his son, David, is said to have been the first Scout in Collinsville Troop 77 to reach the rank of Eagle. He was a member and officer of the Uncas Council, Knights of Columbus, Unionville. Goyer enjoyed fishing, and took a short angling trip to Maine with his brother in 1950.
He died in a hospital after a long illness, and was survived by his wife, Cecilia, and three sons. The funeral was held at the Vincent Funeral Home on Maple Avenue. Afterward, a Requiem Mass was held at St. Patrick’s Church.
Andrew R. Goyer is buried in Calvary Cemetery, Collinsville.
“Your Silent Neighbors” introduces readers to people out of Canton’s past. Readers are encouraged to visit these gravesites and pay their respects to the people who have helped make our community what it is today.