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Your Silent Neighbors

Take a tour through the past with “Your Silent Neighbors", which introduces readers to people out of Canton’s past.

“Your Silent Neighbors” introduces readers to people out of Canton’s past.  Readers are encouraged to visit these gravesites and pay their respects to the people who have helped make our community what it is today.

Choose a name from the list to begin your journey into Canton's past:

3/9/2022 - George F. Douglass

George F. Douglass, Legislator & Metropolitan District Employee
by David K. Leff
Town Poet Laureate and Deputy Town Historian

New Hartford born, George F. Douglass (1848-1939) represented that town in the legislature during 1883.  He also served as a selectman.  He lived in Nepaug for many years where he was in charge of the Metropolitan Water District’s property and caretaker of the Nepaug dam.   Douglass traced his ancestry to the Scottish nobleman, Earl of Douglas. 
In his later years, he lived on Gildersleeve Avenue in Collinsville.  In his retirement, he liked to travel around the countryside in a car driven by a chauffeur.  Douglass was a charter member of New Hartford’s Eureka Grange and of Canton’s Cawasa Grange.  The Eureka Grange honored him at a ceremony for 50 years of membership.  He was also a Mason for 50 years, and the Village Lodge held a ceremony in tribute to his service. 

Douglass married Marian Villett Aldrich of Burlington in 1870.  She died in 1930.  He was survived by two sons and a daughter. 

The funeral was held at Douglass’ home with Reverend William Berriman of the North Granby Congregational Church officiating. 

George F. Douglass is buried in Southwest Cemetery, Collinsville. 

“Your Silent Neighbors” introduces readers to people out of Canton’s past.  Readers are encouraged to visit these gravesites and pay their respects to the people who have helped make our community what it is today.

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Contact Us

Kathleen Taylor
Town Historian

Carolyn Woodard
Deputy Town Historian

Christopher Hager
Deputy Town Historian


Office: (860) 693-5800
Fax: (860) 693-5804
Location: 40 Dyer Ave, Canton, CT 06019