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Animal Control

Town of Canton >> Departments >> Animal Control >> Animal Control
 Budget Dates  

ALL tennis courts and the basketball courts are CLOSED until further notice

Dog Licensing

License Term: begins July 1st, and goes through the following June 30th (the State of CT fiscal year).

State law requires all dogs over six months of age to be licensed. Dog licenses are issued throughout the year; however, renewal of current licenses takes place during the month of June.

Dog licenses are valid from date of purchase through the following June 30th. After June 30th, a late fee of $1 per month will be charged.

Proof of a current rabies vaccination is required for licensing, so if your dog needs a rabies vaccine or booster, please contact your vet and have that done prior to licensing.

*Dog licenses are renewed by mail. Please follow the instructions in your renewal notice (mailed out in May each year) and plan to make payment by check or credit card authorization.  All dog licenses will be mailed to you.

Questions?  Contact the Town Clerk at (860) 693-7870.

Fillable / Printable Dog Licensing Form


Canton Town Clerk 
Attn: Dog License
PO Box 168
Collinsville, CT 06022

Please include:
  • Completed Dog Licensing Form
  • Current rabies certificate (or documentation of current rabies vaccination due date)
  • Self-addressed, stamped envelope
  • $8 for a spayed/neutered dog / $19 for an unaltered/intact dog
  • For License RENEWALS: ADD $1 PER MONTH IF PAYMENT IS RECEIVED AFTER JUNE 30th (July 1 = $9/$20, August 1 = $10/$21, etc.)
A $75 fine will be imposed by the Animal Control Officer on unlicensed dogs in accordance with the State Law. 

Per Connecticut State Statute Section 22-338, all Dogs must be vaccinated against rabies and owners must submit a certificate to the Town Clerk when licensing their dog. 


Lost Dog or Stray

For a lost or roaming Dog, please contact the Animal Control Officer at 860-693-0221. 

Help with Wildlife

Questions or problems about wildlife? 

Call the DEEP at 860-424-3011.

Contact Us

Animal Control Officer : Katie Meskun
Office: (860) 693-0221
Location: Canton Police Dept, 45 River Road, Canton, CT 06019

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Call the Town Clerk for questions about dog licensing/renewals
(860) 693-7870