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Parks Division

Town of Canton >> Departments >> Public Works >> Parks Division >> Parks Division
 Budget Dates  

ALL tennis courts and the basketball courts are CLOSED until further notice

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  • One (1) full time employee and two (2) part time seasonal employees
  • Responsible for over a hundred (100) acres of fields, parks and grounds.
  • Maintains rails to trails, schools grounds, Collinsville Fire Station, and Police Department.
  • Maintains all athletic fields such as four (4) little league fields, two (2) JV & Varsity baseball fields, four (4) softball fields, three (3) soccer fields, three (3) field hockey fields, one (1) lacrosse field, and two (2) football fields. (All fields are mowed, lined and groomed for games.)

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Contact Us

50 River Road
Collinsville, CT 06022


Henry Maskaitis
Parks Supervisor