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Stormwater Management Plan

Town of Canton >> Departments >> Public Works >> Stormwater Management Plan >> Stormwater Management Plan
 Budget Dates  

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The SMP establishes goals, policies, and implementation actions that will achieve the Town's long-term objectives in a way that is understandable to the public, usable by the Town staff, and meets regulatory needs. The SMP establishes a means for measuring, reporting, and managing the Town's water resources by presenting benchmarks that will ensure compliance with applicable laws and permit requirements.
The SMP addresses stormwater quality management policies and management practices that are, or will be, implemented in Canton and its Urbanized Areas. The scope of the SMP is determined by the state MS4 Permit requirements and includes the following six minimum control measures:

PE: Public Education and Outreach on Stormwater Impacts/Helpful Links


Listing files in 'Stormwater Education Materials'

Helpful Links

Farmington River Watershed Association
Farmington River Coordinating Committee
Canton Land Conservation Trust       
Thermostat Recycling Corporation
River Smart CT

PI: Public Involvement/Participation

ID: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination

CSW: Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control

DS: Post Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment

OM: Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations

Click here to view Canton's DRAFT MS4 Stormwater Management 2024 Annual Report.


 If you have any questions or comments, please contact Public Works at (860) 693-7863 or Land Use at (860) 693-7856.


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Contact Us

50 River Road
Collinsville, CT 06022
(860) 693-7863



Thomas Richardson
Director of Public Works/Tree Warden 

Ryan Ferrari
Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds 

Glenn Cusano
Project Administrator

Heather Fritch
Administrative Assistant