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State and Federal Financial Assistance Programs

Town of Canton >> Departments >> Senior and Social Services >> Social Services >> Financial Assistance Programs >> State and Federal Financial Assistance Programs
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State Supplement: 

The CT State Supplement program provides cash assistance people who are elderly, blind, or who have a permanent disability to supplement their income and maintain them at a standard of living established by the State Legislature. In order to receive benefits, individuals must have another source of income such as Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, or Veterans’ benefits. Individual must be 65 years of age or older; be between the ages of 18 and 65 and meet the disability criteria of the federal Social Security Disability Insurance program.

State Administered General Assistance (SAGA):

Provides cash assistance to individuals who are unable to work for medical or other prescribed reasons, and to families that do not meet the blood-relationship requirements of the Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) program (see next entry, TANF.)

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program:

TANF funds the Connecticut TFA program in CT.  TANF is a federal program that provides assistance to families in need.  A variety of programs are offered through a number of state agencies under the TANF program. Each of the programs is designed to meet at least one of the following purposes: assistance to needy families so that children may be cared for in their own homes or the homes of relatives; end the dependence of needy parents on government benefits by promoting job preparation, work and marriage;  prevent and reduce the incidence of out-of-wedlock pregnancies and establish annual numerical goals for preventing and reducing the incidence of these pregnancies;  encourage the formation and maintenance of two-parent families. 

Supplemental Security Income (SSI):

A federal income supplement program funded by general tax revenues and it is designed to help people who are elderly, blind, or who have a permanent disability and who have little or no income. It provides cash to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter.

Section 8 Housing Assistance:

The housing choice voucher program is the government's major program for assisting very-low-income families to afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private market. People with vouchers are able to find their own housing, including apartments, townhouses, and single-family homes. The participant is free to choose any private rental housing that meets the requirements of the program.

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Contact Us

Senior & Social Services Department
40 Dyer Avenue
Canton, CT 06019

Monday - Thursday: 7:30 am to 4:15 pm
Friday: CLOSED

Phone:      (860) 693-5811
Fax:          (860) 693-5835

Tonoa Jackson - By Appointment Only
Senior & Social Services Director 

Rebecca Briggs
Administrative Assistant to the Director

Kara McConville
Senior Center Coordinator 

Municipal Agent for the Elderly
The agent, Tonoa Jackson, currently represents the State of Connecticut Department of Aging and is the person to contact for any senior-related question, problem or concern.

Notary services available by appointment only.