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Birth Records

Town of Canton >> Departments >> Town Clerk >> Birth Records >> Birth Records
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Birth Certificates

Copies of birth certificates are on file in the Town Clerk's office in the Town of Occurrence and in the Residence Town of the mother at the time of the birth. Birth records less than 100 years old are confidential.  Connecticut General Statutes Sections 7-51 and 7-51a allows access to birth records only to the individual (if over 18 years old); parent; grandparent; legal guardian; spouse; children (if child is 18 or older); grandchild (if grandchild is 18 or older); attorneys and title examiners representing the person or such person's parents, guardian, child or surviving spouse; persons authorized by court order; and agent's of a state or federal agency as approved by the Department of Public Health.  Proof of the familial relationship is required.

How To Obtain a Copy:

Request Form - Birth Cert
  • Complete the request form above
  • Include a copy of your current drivers license (or other valid government issued photo ID).
    • If a photo ID is not available, originals or photocopies of two of the following documents may be used:  Social Security card, written verification of ID from employer (on letterhead), automobile registration, copy of a utility bill showing name/address, and voter registration card.
  • The fee is $20.00 per certified (raised seal) copy for a full size or $15.00 for a wallet size copy.
  • Requests for certified copies may be made in person at the Town Clerk's office or mailed to:
    • Town of Canton, Town Clerk - Vital Records, PO Box 168, Collinsville, CT  06022


Adopted Person Original Birth Certificate

Public Act 21-21, effective July 1, 2021 allows any adopted person who is at least 18 years old, or the adopted person’s adult child or grandchild, to obtain an UNCERTIFIED copy of the adopted person's original birth certificate upon request. Such copy will be marked "Superseded".

All other person’s seeking to obtain a copy of the adopted person’s original birth certificate must obtain a court order.

How To Obtain a Copy:

Request Form - Copy of Original Birth Cert of Adopted Person
  • Complete, print, and sign the request form above.
  • Include a copy of your current drivers license or other photo ID.
    • If a photo ID is not available, originals or photocopies of two of the following documents may be used:  Social Security card, written verification of ID from employer (on letterhead), automobile registration, copy of a utility bill showing name/address, checking account deposit slip stating name/address and voting card.
  • If you are the adopted person's adult child or grandchild, include documentation verifying your relationship to the adopted person.
  • Include the court order (if applicable).
  • Include the fee of $65.00 per copy.
  • Requests may be made in person at the Town Clerk's office or mailed to: Town of Canton, Town Clerk - Vital Records, PO Box 168, Collinsville, CT  06022.


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Contact Us

Tracy Morrocco, CCTC
Town Clerk

Christopher O'Herron
Assistant Town Clerk

Phone: (860) 693-7870


Mon, Tues, Thurs: 8:00am-5:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am-6:00pm
Friday: CLOSED

Mailing Address: Canton Town Hall, P.O. Box 168, Collinsville, CT 06022

Location: Canton Town Hall, 4 Market Street, Collinsville, CT 06019


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