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Agent for the Eldery

Town of Canton >> Boards and Commissions >> Human Services >> Agent for the Elderly >> Agent for the Eldery
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The Municipal Agent for the Elderly program was established in 1972 by the Connecticut State Legislature in order to assure that elderly persons in each town have an officially appointed representative who is responsible for providing elders with information and assistance on services and benefits.

In accordance with the General Statutes of Connecticut Volume 2 Title 7 Chapter 97 Section 7-127b, the municipal agent for the elderly shall (1) disseminate information to elderly persons and assist such persons in learning about the community resources available to them and publicize such resources and benefits; (2) assist elderly persons in applying for federal and other benefits available to such persons; (3) submit written reports annually covering the period extending between July 1 and June 30 to the chief elected official, chief executive officer, legislative body and committee or commission on aging of the municipality, if any, and to the Department of Social Services on the services they have provided, the needs and problems of the elderly and any recommendations for municipal action with regard to elderly persons.

The position of Municipal Agent for the Elderly is incorporated into the Senior & Social Services Director's position. Information, referral, and assistance are available by contacting the Canton Senior/Social Services Office.

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Contact Us

Tonoa Jackson
Director, Senior & Social Service
(860) 693-5811