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Building Committee

Town of Canton >> Boards and Commissions >> Real Estate & Economics >> Permanent Municipal Building Committee >> Building Committee
 Budget Dates  

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Permanent Municipal Building Committee

The Permanent Municipal Building Committee shall have the following duties and responsibilities on municipal or school building projects assigned to it by the Board of Selectmen:

  • Work with architectural firm(s) on project design issues including structural, building systems, landscaping, and interior design
  • Authorize and oversee the preparation of architectural drawings, development of building construction or renovation specifications, completion of professional services and administration of building project(s)
  • Approve design and construction expenditures pursuant to project construction and change orders
  • Recommend to the Board of Selectmen, for its approval, contracts with architects, engineers, electronic consultant, building contractors, and others in the name of and on behalf of the Town of Canton with respect to the design and construction of the project(s), said contracts to be executed by the Chief Administration Officer
  • Exercise such other powers as a re necessary with respect to the construction of a municipal or school building project(s) and;
  • Report annually, to the Board of Selectmen, on the status of Town buildings.

Agendas & Minutes