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Driving Tours of Historic Canton

Town of Canton >> Visitors >> Sight-Seeing >> Driving Tours of Historic Canton >> Driving Tours of Historic Canton
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Driving Tours of Historic Canton

The places included in this driving tour of Canton are a sampling of some of the principal historic sites in town as expressed by structures that populate the landscape. It is definitive neither in locations nor in the stories associated with them. The Town Historian welcomes any corrections, additional stories or sites that should be included in the future.

Watch for the icons to:

  • see the historic view old photo
  • see the current view  recent photo
  • listen to the narrative audio file

Enjoy the drive!

The Canton Village tour travels the Albany Turnpike & East Hill, the Canton Center tour travels through the center of Canton while the North tour travels the Northern parts of Canton. The Beyone Downtown tour travels through Collinsville.

Canton Village Canton Center North Canton Beyond Downtown


This walking tour is in its third revision since 1995. It has been a joint effort of the Collinsville Historic District Commission, the Canton Historical Society and the Canton Town Historian. Special thanks to all those who have contributed over the years including Thomas Ayres, Roger Clarke, Mary Ellen Cosker, Walter Kendra, Greg Kriss, David Leff, Shirley Scarpino, Jennifer Sevigny, Don Scott, Town Clerk Linda Smith, Kevin Stiles, Carl Svenson, Mary Tomolonius and Paul Wittmer.