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Tax Collector

Town of Canton >> Departments >> Tax Collector >> Tax Collector

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General Billing Information 

Tax bills are mailed at the end of June each year.
  • The first installment of real estate and business/personal property taxes is due July 1st and is payable no later than the first business day of August. Motor vehicle taxes are due July 1st and are payable IN FULL no later than the first business day in August. Sewer usage charges are due October 1st and are payable IN FULL no later than the first business day in November. 
  • The second installment of real estate and business/personal property taxes is due January 1st and is payable no later than the first business day of February.  We DO NOT send a bill for the second installment but you can sign up for an email reminder.   Motor vehicle supplemental taxes are due January 1st and are payable IN FULL no later than the first business day of February.

INCOME TAX INFORMATION can now be accessed online.  For detailed instructions, CLICK HERE.

 View / Pay Your Bill

Payment Options  Real Estate Taxes Legal Notice
Business/Personal Property Taxes  Motor Vehicle Taxes 
Sewer Use Charges  Motor Vehicle Supplemental Taxes 
View a History of Mill Rates
View a History of Residential Sewer Use Charges 


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Contact Us

Tax payments can be:

Mailed to Tax Collector, P.O. Box 168, Canton, CT 06022-0168
Paid online (a transaction fee will be charged)
Made in person when Town Hall is open (12:30pm-1pm CLOSED for lunch)

If you need DMV clearance to register a vehicle, please pay online. Once you’ve completed the transaction, send an email to the Tax Office at

Any other assistance or questions should be emailed to or you may leave a voicemail message at (860) 693-7843.  We will do our best to respond to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation!


Tax Collector

Mailing Address: Canton Town Hall, P.O. Box 168, Collinsville, CT 06022

Location: Canton Town Hall, 4 Market Street, Collinsville, CT 06019

Phone: (860) 693-7843   (860) 693-7843

Office hours below:

Mon, Tues, Thurs



CLOSED FOR LUNCH FROM 12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.